Frau schliesst ihren Fahrradhelm Thousand Gold aus dem Allthatiwant Shop

Thousand: The bike helmet you actually want to wear

Posted by Eva Mohr on

We were searching the bicycle and fashion world for a golden bicycle helmet for as long as we can think…And finally we’ve found one: The new bike helmet collection by California based brand Thousand is made for city and urban cycling. Featuring a sleek matte finish, vegan leather straps and an easy to open magnetic locking.

The helmets just arrived in our shop last week and are available in “Premium Gold” and “Carbon Black“.

Thousand launched a cool design driven bike helmet you actually want to wear. It is light-weight, doesn’t look bulky like most helmets and our favorite part: You don’t have to carry it around. It features the secret poplock (patent pending). Simply pop out the top on the side and you can lock the helmet with your bicycle.

The Story of the Thousand bike helmet

Designer, Founder and long time city cyclist Gloria Hwang said she was never a fan of wearing a helmet. Like most of us fashion-conscious people she thought they look bulky and simply not stylish. But after the loss of a friend, she knew she needed to change and from now on needs to act responsible. So Gloria emptied her savings account and convinced her friends to help her build Thousand and create the bicycle helmet she wants.

Learn more about Thousand in our shop! Available in 3 sizes and with coupon CYCLELOVE you save 10%!

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