
Cycling World Europe 2023
Vom 10. - 12. März findet in Düsseldorf die Cycling World Europe statt.
Behind The Design: Die Explore Thousand Junior Kollektion
Es ist ja bei uns "Erwachsenen" ja schon schwer einen Helm zu finden, den man gerne trägt und obwohl wir wissen, wie gefährlich ein Sturz...
Thousand Top Colors: Ihr habt gewählt
In unseren Insta Stories haben wir euch gefragt, welche Helmfarbe von Explore Thousand ihr am coolsten findet. Ihr habt gewählt und ...
Dopper – Is the sustainable design bottle for tap water.
We’ve been always huge fans of dutch design. They have simply figured it out: Clean, intuitive shapes and fun to use. And it fits perfect...
Winter Cycling: Skin Care For Colder Temperatures
Low outside temperatures and cold wind in combination with central heating demands heavily on all types of skin during winter season – especially when you bike...
Spray.Bike: Give your bike a summer makeover
I love all of my bicycles. Every single one of them. But with my long-time friend, a 1982 german Schauff city bike, I have a...
Finish Line: Eyeliner x Cycling
From a heavy black cat eye to playing with crazy colors – eyeliner has universal appeal and as seen at the latest Oscar de la Renta show the statement...
Happy New Year
Happy New Year to all our friends, customers, readers, contributors and to all the beautiful cycling friends out there. Wow, we had a (luckily) busy year...